"81PART" - 1581 SUBPARTITION AID This program lets you create subpartitions (aka. subdirectories) on your 1581, or compatible drive. This program works with a C64 or C128 computer. If you use that partition aid program on the 1581 demo disk, then throw that out. Not my favourite, except for the nice directory display. Please note this program descends from a program on my HD demo disk. I wished it worketh better, and so mote it be. Originally the program would not work at all with a 1581 disk half the time. It is nicely spiffed up from its previous form. Now operation... anything to comment? When you create a subpartition, you enter a few details. If the subpartition doesn't "take" (error message), you can try a different track number. There won't be any problem when you start off. Mostly, you should not have to worry about tracks and sectors, and all that silly business. Much effort gone into trying to make this a non-issue. Note, when you get to the create subpartition screen, it will have already set the size of it to the maximum based on the track it picks. For nested Subpartitions, one inside another, will definitely require you to set the track yourself. This isn't too hard if you took note of the disk status message you got when entering the level one subpartition. If you start off with a new disk, the maximum possible size partition is 400 K, which you'll get if you pick 41 for a Starting track. You will want to make sure you're in Root before creating a subpartition, unless you want to make a subpartition inside a subpartition. To do this, just select enter subpartition, and press Return. If you enter "." at this point, it would merely leave you in the current subpartition. There is a little patch of JiffyDOS code in the program. But anyone without JD can easily locate this and remove it. (Adam.Vardy@juge.com)