The Magic Voice Word List, courtesy Darren Spiteri You can either do SAY"word" or SAY number Unfortunately, you can't do SAY"word word word". Most annoying. The numbers are most useful for ML. There are 235 words, though quite a few are homonyms. Cameron Kaiser 0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thir 14 fif 15 twenty 16 hundred 17 thousand 18 million 19 teen 20 ty 21 a 22 b 23 c 24 d 25 e 26 f 27 g 28 h 29 i 30 j 31 k 32 l 33 m 34 n 35 o 36 p 37 q 38 r 39 s 40 t 41 u 42 v 43 w 44 x 45 y 46 z 47 (silence) 48 add 49 subtract 50 divide 51 divided 52 equals 53 less 54 minus 55 more 56 number 57 plus 58 remainder 59 it 60 at 61 when 62 has 63 times 64 apostrophe 65 word 66 er 67 est 68 ing 69 ssss 70 th 71 all 72 me 73 my 74 that 75 their 76 they're 77 this 78 what 79 which 80 who 81 your 82 you're 83 answer 84 commodore 85 end 86 point 87 thing 88 question 89 turn 90 am 91 are 92 be 93 buy 94 can 95 correct 96 did 97 do 98 does 99 done 100 find 101 get 102 have 103 hear 104 help 105 is 106 know 107 like 108 presents 109 read 110 say 111 see 112 start 113 use 114 wait 115 want 116 was 117 won 118 write 119 here 120 high 121 how 122 there 123 too 124 where 125 why 126 uh 127 an 128 and 129 as 130 but 131 by 132 for 133 from 134 if 135 in 136 large 137 next 138 not 139 of 140 off 141 oh 142 on 143 or 144 ready 145 same 146 than 147 the 148 thuh 149 then 150 to 151 with 152 very 153 bye 154 hi 155 please 156 thank 157 yes 158 bad 159 good 160 sorry 161 wrong 162 after 163 most 164 because 165 no 166 out 167 send 168 talk 169 any 170 each 171 enter 172 error 173 many 174 every 175 again 176 now 177 small 178 terrific 179 try 180 letter 181 first 182 second 183 third 184 color 185 black 186 white 187 red 188 cyan 189 purple 190 green 191 blue 192 yellow 193 orange 194 brown 195 grey 196 light 197 he 198 our 199 she 200 we 201 you 202 come 203 give 204 put 205 set 206 take 207 were 208 until 209 may 210 over 211 dark 212 command 213 computer 214 control 215 cursor 216 disk 217 down 218 game 219 key 220 left 221 load 222 name 223 play 224 press 225 program 226 right 227 run 228 save 229 stop 230 symbol 231 tape 232 up 233 weight 234 hour