Commodore Collection : WANTED : The machines that elude me...

Here is a list of items I am on the active hunt for, and fully expect to acquire and enjoy at some point. If you can offer any assistance to me whatsoever, I would be eternally grateful. Donations are, of course, gladly accepted. As a collector, I do not often trade, but I will entertain any equipment offering that I can pay cash for. If it IS something on this list, however, contact me anyway. :)
- Computers
- Commodore PET 4004
- Commodore MDS 6500 System
- Commodore PET 8008
- Commodore PET 8016
- Commodore PET 8096D
- Commodore 505
- Commodore 510
- Commodore 700 (labeled as such!)
- Commodore B256 (labeled as such!)
- Commodore 620 (labeled as such!)
- Commodore PC-20
- Commodore PC60
- Commodore PC70
- Commodore DX64 (My personal Holy Grail -- does this exist?)
- Commodore LCD
- Gold/Silver VIC
- Amiga 2000UX (does this exist?)
- Amiga 2200
- Commodore DT 486* computer
- Disk Drives
- Commodore 1572
- Commodore 1543
- Commodore SFS-481 (by name)
- CBM 2020
- CBM 2041
- CBM 2081
- CBM 8060
- CBM 8061
- CBM 8062
- CBM 4030
- CBM 8280LP
- Amiga 3010
- Printers
- Misc
- Monitors
- Modems
- Commodore Communicator ISA Card, 14.4kbps
If you find anything in here you have questions or comments about, feel
free to leave me email right here.
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