geoCBMTerm v1.0
Released as freeware in 2020
Download geoCBMTerm 1.0
Download geoCBMTerm 1.0 source
* Optmized for C-64 Net WiFi Modem. Read docs for others.
In 2017, my Commodore club decided to do a Commodore 64 WIFI modem based around the ESP8266 microcontrollers.
I chose to contribute both the firmware, and 8-bit applications for native C64, VIC, and C128. Once that
was done, I turned to GEOS to see if I couldn't give it some "C64-Net WIFI' love.

Full PETSCII color graphics
After "geoTELNET", I decided to do a full color PETSCII client for enjoying Commodore BBSes in GEOS.
The client supports the C64 PETSCII codes and fonts directly, allowing you to remotely log into online BBSes
that support them. The client has auto-echo and buffering features for users with a free Ram
Expansion bank. All this in a simulated 40 column screen.

geoCBMTerm also supports the X-Modem file transfer protocol, allowing you to upload and download
binary files from and to the remote host. Both Checksum and CRC X-Modem are supported.

Quick Dialer and Phone Book.
To connect to a remote host, a quick-connect window can be used to enter the host name and port.
In order to keep track of your favorite remote host addresses, a "Phone Book" feature is also available.
Revision Notes:
Jan 2020: Version 1.0 is released.
Special thanks to Cottonwood BBS for their great artwork to show off the terminal.
If you find anything in here you have questions or comments about, feel
free to leave me email right here.
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