Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



geoWrite documents on various C= subjects


Apocalypse Calculator.cvt 2024-04-03 36445
Calculate the chance of the Apocalypse

barcoder.lnx    (dir) 2024-04-04 38638
Generate barcodes from numbers by Carlos Amezega

cal123geoABC.cvt 2021-11-20 37504
Typing tutoring program in geoBASIC

changeover.cvt 2021-12-13 39640
Convert mass/length/temp between metric and imperial, by Bruce Thomas

GeoCalc128_d64.zip    (dir) 2025-02-13 7347561
GeoCalc 128 spreadsheet for GEOS 128 (with manual)

GeoCalc_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 6855362
BSW GeoCalc spreadsheet software. Includes manual.

GeoChart_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 7553715
BSW geoChart, graphing software, includes manual.

geochart_ge.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-12-01 82709
geoChart - unprotected last version

geocheckbk15.lnx    (dir) 2021-12-23 24614
geoCheckBookV1.5 by Kent L. Smotherman. A home finance program.

geoCheckBook-1.5-demo.cvt 2021-12-23 12288
geoCheckBook-1.5-docs.cvt 2021-12-23 11914
geoCheckBookV1.5 by Kent L. Smotherman. A demo version of a home finance
program. The documentation is in geoWrite 2.1 format.

geocheckbook15.cvt 2021-12-23 12335
Alternative build of geoCheckbook 1.5 by Kent LS. See also the .lnx version.

geocheckboox128.cvt 2021-12-23 12285
geoCheckBook 128 by Kent L. Smotherman. A home finance program.

geodiary.lnx    (dir) 2020-09-06 18586
geoDiary 1.0 - diary writer by KentLS

geodiary2.lnx    (dir) 2021-12-23 19812
geoDiary 2.0 - diary writer by KentLS

geoDiskFilter12.lnx    (dir) 2020-09-06 18578
Database for disk files

geofamily.lnx    (dir) 2021-12-02 100076
Family database tool v2.6 by David Lucas

GeoFile_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 8963286
BSW GeoFile database tool. Includes manual.

geoglobe.lnx    (dir) 2024-04-03 32585
geoGlobe World city mapper by David Ferguson

GeoPublish_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 10917253
BSW geoPublish desktop publishing pkg, with manual

geoPublishTutorial_dnp.zip 2024-03-18 115368220
geoPublish tutorial by Bruce Thomas. Includes DNP image and PDF doc

geos-deskpack1_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 126423

GeoSpell_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 387607
BSW geoSpell - Spell Checker for geoWrite documents

geoText_IIA_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 29299
geoText - GW compatible light weight word procc

geotype.cvt 2021-11-22 40960
Typing practice program

GeoWrite.d64.gz    (dir) 2023-04-20 90329
BSW GeoWrite v2.1 word processor.

geowrite128-4.cvt 2023-04-20 35747
geoWrite 128 updated with 4 drive support

geowrite64-4.cvt 2023-04-20 35484
geoWrite updated with 4 drive support

hurrtracker.lnx    (dir) 2024-04-03 61498
Hurricane tracking tool by Joe Buckley

listmaker.cvt 2021-12-09 2153
A Grocery Shopping list creator by Michael Iafrate

pnewsltr1.3_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 286054
WYSIWYG Newsletter authoring software

publishupdat.cvt 2021-11-27 1667
Run from geoPublish backup disk to fix various bugs

publishupdat.doc.cvt 2024-04-04 1250
Docs for publishupdat

qd-edit.lnx    (dir) 2024-03-19 48062
Q&D Editor - geoWrite & SEQ file editor by Buckley & Kostella

SpellChecker.d64.gz    (dir) 2023-04-20 26567
Spell Checker for geoWrite documents

timeworks-writer64_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 29065617
Writer 64 from TimeWorks. Includes docs

word_publisher_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 217890
Better Working Word Publisher from Spinnaker

WritersWorkshop_d64.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 3836539
Official BSW Wrier's Workshop package, with geoMerge, Text Grabber, geoLaser.
Includes manual.

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