Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)


Commodore 8296 specific firmware


Schematic diagrams of the 8296.


8296_uc2_74S288_prom.bin 2021-06-02 32
32 byte prom found at U2, read by Alessandro Liberalato

8296desc3.tar.gz 2009-08-18 16588
This archive contains the readouts of the three PROMs on the CBM 8296
motherboard, UC2, UE5 and UE6. It further contains the logic equations,
the program to derive the logic equations and some explanations.

8296gd_info.txt 2012-11-21 2124
Information about the graphics-board for the 8296

For more explanations, please have a look at the 8296 addendum to the
8032 manual.

Created and uploaded by André Fachat.
[Note: some equations in the file 829desc.txt in 82s100.tar.gz contained
errors. They were corrected by André Fachat in 2005.]

8296ue5cr.zip 2009-08-18 18160
How to replace the PLA UE5 in a CBM8296 with a GAL 20V8
written in 2005 by Nicolas Welte (http://x1541.de)

901474-04-0384.bin 2009-08-18 2048
Editor ROM from André Fachat's non-working 8296; the same as
901474-04-3681.bin from the PET directory.

characters-3.901447-xx.bin 2025-02-12 4096
Editor rom from Dave M's 50hz 8296 with very extended international chars.

characters-324242-01.bin 2017-05-23 4096
PET Character DIN (UC5)

characters-324242-10.bin 2011-05-22 4096
German language chargen rom for 8296d

characters-901447-german8296d.bin 2019-06-24 2048
Char rom from German 8296D

edit-50hz-324243-02b.bin 2009-08-18 2048
Editor ROM from André Fachat's working 8296. This is an EPROM marked "8296
UE8", and it contains a patched version of 901474-04.

edit-50hz-324243-02b.txt 2009-08-18 2103
Some notes about UE8.bin and other firmware in André Fachat's 8296 systems.

edit-50hz-324243-02s.bin 2016-09-24 4096
8296d Swiss language editor ue8

edit-50hz-324243-04.bin 2017-05-23 4096
8296d Editor Rom

edit-50hz-324243-04_disassembly.txt 2012-11-21 74678
8296d rom disassembly

edit-50hz-324243-04s.bin 2011-05-22 4096
German language editor rom for 8296d

edit-50hz-324243-xx.bin 2025-02-12 2048
Character rom from Dave M's 50hz 8296 with very extended international chars.

edit-50hz-german8296d.bin 2019-06-24 2048
Editor rom from German 8296D

edit-xxhz-324243-01.bin 2012-11-21 4096
8296d Editor ue8

edit-xxhz-324243-03.bin 2017-05-23 4096
8296d Editor Rom

execudesk-50hz.bin 2015-09-08 4096
Editor ROM based off edit-4-80-b-50Hz.901474-04.bin and execudesk-60hz.bin

execudesk-60hz.bin 2009-08-18 4096
Editor ROM from 8296 in UE8. Based off edit-4-80-b-60Hz.901474-03.bin

hires-324992-02.bin 2012-11-21 4096
8296gd Hires Emulator (at $9000)

hires-324993-02.bin 2012-11-21 4096
8296gd HiRes BASIC (at $A000)

hpg-324402-01.bin 2010-08-15 4096
PET High Speed Graphik (same as 324381-01b)

kernal-basic-324746-01.bin 2009-08-18 16384
BASIC/KERNAL ROM; a combination of: 901465-23 ($B***) 901465-20 ($C***)
901465-21 ($D***) 901465-22 ($F***). Uploaded by André Fachat.

kernal-basic-324746-01_b.bin 2019-12-31 16384
Combined rom from Christian Forstreuter's machine. Differs in first 9 bytes
from earlier rom.

kernal-basic-324878-01.bin 2009-08-18 8192
UE7 daughterboard, 2764 EPROM. A combination of 901465-20 and 901465-21.

kernal-basic-324878-02.bin 2009-08-18 8192
UE7 daughterboard, 2764 EPROM. A combination of 901465-23 and 901465-22.

PaperClip.bin 2009-08-18 4096

pla-324744-01.bin 2015-03-07 65536

pla-324744-1.c 2009-08-18 5055
Verified logic equations of UE6, the address decoding PLA.

pla-324745-01.bin 2015-03-07 65536

pla-324745-1.c 2009-08-18 6127
Verified logic equations of UE5, the controller for the 8296 add-on.

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